Talbot County, MD
This project, comprised for Talbot County Maryland, recommended a single water reclamation process to treat leachate generated by the Mid Shore I and Mid Shore II landfills (Caroline, Kent, Queen Anne’s and Talbot Counties), along with septage and grease generated in Talbot and Caroline Counties.
Treatment technologies were investigated and evaluated for the full treatment of leachate, septage and grease to comply with Maryland Department of the Environment standards and for final direct discharge to land. The recommended treatment process was as follows: leachate chemical pretreatment, septage receiving, grease receiving, preliminary treatment, primary treatment, secondary treatment, tertiary treatment, spray irrigation, residuals management and auxiliary systems.
For grease trap waste disposal, stabilization alternatives and disposal using land application were considered, along with treatment by the processes handling residuals from the leachate septage treatment process. The treatment and disposal of grease trap waste was evaluated to see whether separate treatment is best. Potential utilization of landfill gas associated with potential thermal treatment of residuals and/or grease trap waste was also considered. In the course of the study, a better use for grease was found which would help fuel nitrogen removal and reduce the need to purchase chemicals.