Here are some facts about Act 13 from our President:
The state of Pennsylvania passed Act 13 with the intent that recipients spend the money building infrastructure that would help residents and the gas industry. Many municipalities receive critical boosts to their budgets from Act 13, and those moneys would be sorely missed if they were to go away. Every year major efforts are undertaken, mostly from downstate interests, to eliminate Act 13. We encourage you to spend your Act 13 moneys wisely. Nearly every municipality has a road, bridge or culvert that could stand improvement.
Emergency generators are another wise expenditure for Act 13 funds. Municipal buildings are critical infrastructure any time, but particularly during and after natural disasters. Electricity, internet and cell service are absolute essentials that must remain in service. We now have underway several projects to add emergency generators for municipalities and Authorities; these are affordable projects. Please contact Bassett Engineering if you need assistance with an emergency generator.