Brady Township, Lycoming County

All-new wastewater collection system and a packaged wastewater treatment plant to serve approximately 120 homes with contaminated wells and failing septic systems on the northwest side of Brady Township. The Township added several major extensions during construction because project costs were running so far below budget.
The collection system includes:
- one duplex submersible pump station,
- one duplex grinder pump station
- approximately 18,700 feet of 8-inch gravity collectors and outfall
- 1,600 feet of laterals
- 2,400 feet of 2½- and 4-inch force mains.
Sludge Holding Tank
The 30,000-gpd wastewater treatment plant uses the Modified Ludzack-Ettinger process to provide nitrification and denitrification to protect the headwaters of Black Hole Creek, a stocked trout stream.
The treatment plant was set indoors to contain odors because the plant is immediately adjacent to the White Deer Golf Course.

Funding: Pennvest Grant and Loan, CDBG grant
Permits Obtained: NPDES, WQM Part II, Highway Occupancy, E&S Plan, DEP/USACOE Joint Permit, Phase I Arch Survey.