Millville Borough, Columbia County
Wastewater Treatment Plant: COMPLETED 2003
Engineered a new 250,000 gpd wastewater treatment plant. The Plant was designed to receive up to 50,000 gpd of leachate from White Pines Landfill plus septage from private haulers. It utilizes Biological Nutrient Removal to produce effluent clean enough for Little Fishing Creek, a stocked trout stream. The biological reactors use the Modified Ludzack-Ettinger process for nitrification, denitrification, and biological phosphorus removal. The project included a Septage Receiving Station. The treatment building houses a fully automated computer process control system. A $100,000 Growing Greener grant was awarded due to the provision of BNR using the MLE Process.
Maple Lane Water Main Extension: COMPLETED 2014
Engineered 1,250’ of DR-18 PVC Water Main with associated valves, hydrant, fittings, new service lateral, connections to existing service laterals and water mains, and related appurtenances. Followed Maple Lane and Chestnut Streets. Required easement acquisition.
Leachate Treatment Review: ONGOING
In 2013 Millville engaged Bassett to review the treatment of leachate at Millville and White Pines. Statistically analyzed ten years of operating data to identify causes for ongoing NPDES Permit violations for ammonia-nitrogen and copper. Recommended multiple process and operational modifications. Plant has been in compliance since study was completed.
Millville Elementary School Water Line Replacement: COMPLETED 2019
Engineered the replacement of 700′ existing 4-inch transite water main with a 6-inch DR-18 PVC water main that began at Chestnut Street and ran northerly to school district property, then easterly to connect with an existing 12-inch main that runs through the high school parking lot.
Bassett Engineering surveyed, designed a biddable set of Contract Documents, prepared and submitted a General Permit application covering the stream crossing plus erosion control, assisted with bidding, and provided construction phase engineering including part-time project representation.
Permits Obtained: PADEP GP-5