Bassett Engineering has completed numerous street projects including roadway reconstruction and resurfacing, curb, sidewalk, driveway and ADA compliant pedestrian safety improvements.
We have experience with many types of road reconstruction and are available for any resurfacing, improvements, or PennDOT Right of Way needs. Some representative projects include the following.
Representative Projects
Road, Client | Project Description | Length | Year |
Shirk Road, Hartleton Borough |
Roadway reconstruction, improve drainage. | 2,550 feet | 2020 |
Ontario Avenue, Renovo Borough |
Roadway reconstruction, parking lot, boat launch. | 2,350 feet | 2018 |
Park Road, Hartleton Borough |
Roadway reconstruction, improve drainage. | 1,450 feet | 2018 |
Mountain Avenue, Armenia Township |
Roadway reconstruction, guiderail placement. | 3,960 feet | 2016 |
Third Street, Renovo Borough |
Resurface, improve drainage, curb ramps. | 450 feet | 2015 |
Erie Avenue, Renovo Borough |
Resurface, improve drainage. | 1,600 feet | 2015 |
Kaiser Hollow Road, Upper Fairfield Township |
Reconstruction, improve drainage, stabilize road bank down to creek. |
550 feet | 2015 |
Bridge Street, Mifflintown Borough |
Reconstruction, improve drainage, sidewalk and curbing. | 400 feet | 2014 |
Old Schoolhouse Road Hartleton Borough |
Reconstruction, improve drainage. | 1,100 feet | 2013 |
Shaffer Path Road, Brady Township |
Establish new Right-Of-Way, new asphalt road, improve drainage, new precast concrete arch bridge. |
3,200 feet | 2012 |
Park Street, Benton Borough |
Resurface/reclaim, improve drainage, sidewalks and curbing. |
600 feet | 2010 |