Bassett Engineering attended the Old Cement Road beam lift last Friday! Two precast beams were placed fairly quickly and construction is moving along smoothly.
Keep following along for more updates on Lycoming County Bundle 4 Bridge updates!

By Olivia Novak
By Olivia Novak
Bundle 4 of the Lycoming County Bridge Bundling Program is officially underway!
Check out the framework and rebar being constructed for the abutment on the first bridge under the bundle.
Stay tuned for more updates over the next couple of weeks!
By Olivia Novak
Did you catch us at the PWEA/PennTec Conference in June?
Bassett Engineering teamed up with Lackawanna River Basin Sewer Authority to give a presentation on the Throop Digester Upgrade and Expansion for Cogeneration project we completed in 2019.
We also enjoyed PWEA’s tour of the Derry Township Municipal Authority Clearwater Wastewater Treatment Plant. The Tour focused on the Energy Enhancements Project where we assisted Brown and Caldwell. We obtained all environmental permits and Land Development Plan approvals, plus provided the site design including stormwater management and yard piping.
By Olivia Novak
Bassett Engineering is thrilled to announce that our innovative approach to bridge bundling has been featured in the May edition of Pennsylvania Township News. Our unique method has saved our clients both time and money by bundling multiple bridges into a single project, streamlining engineering and construction. This allows our team to deliver projects faster and more efficiently, ensuring that our clients can achieve their goals.
Check out the article below, and stay updated on our fourth bundle by following us on LinkedIn and Facebook!
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By Olivia Novak
Check out our Careers page to apply!
By Olivia Novak
Bassett Engineering is excited to announce the completion of another bridge under Bundle 3 of the Lycoming County Bridge Bundling Program!
The bridge is situated in Montgomery Park, where Park Road crosses Adams Creek, roughly 500 feet from its mouth on the West Branch of the Susquehanna River. Due to its location in the Park, serving two baseball fields and the boat launch, the bridge is heavily used at certain times of the year.
Adams Creek is a warm water fishery located in the level floodplain of the river. The low velocities allowed the use of a Geosynthetic Reinforced Soils Integrated Bridge System (GRS-IBS) bridge, which offered the greatest hydraulic opening at the lowest cost for this span.
The installation for this project was handled by Rylind Construction, and the bridge was opened to traffic in December of 2022.
Check out another bridge from Bundle 3
Stay up to date on our projects by following our Facebook or LinkedIn Pages.
By Olivia Novak
Bassett Engineering is excited to announce the completion of another bridge in Bundle 3 of the Lycoming County Bridge Bundling Program.
The bridge is situated right off Route 287, where Zinck Road crosses a small unnamed tributary to Larrys Creek. The low stream velocities at the site enabled the use of a Geosynthetic Reinforced Soils Integrated Bridge System (GRS-IBS), which was well-suited for the low-profile structure on a low-ADT road. GRS also offered the ability to orient with Zinck Road’s skew to the stream.
The installation of this project was handled by Rylind Construction, and the bridge was completed in December of 2022.
Check out another bridge from Bundle 3
Stay up to date on our projects by following our Facebook or LinkedIn Pages.
By Olivia Novak
Bassett Engineering is pleased to announce the completion of Winner Lane Bridge! The bridge is a part of the Lycoming County Bridge Bundling Program, Bundle 3.
This bridge sits at the lower end of a marshy field over Murray Run, an Exceptional Value natural reproduction trout stream. The low stream velocities enabled the use of a Geosynthetic Reinforced Soils Integrated Bridge System (GRS-IBS), which is well-suited for the low-profile structure on a low-ADT road. GRS also offered the ability to orient with Winner Lane’s skew to Murray Run. The abutment was shaped to fit the superelevation of the road surface that suits the curve of the road at the bridge while meeting the bridge alignment.
The installation for this project was handled by Rylind Construction, and Winner Lane was opened to traffic in October of 2022!
Check out another bridge from Bundle 3
Stay up to date on our projects by following our Facebook or LinkedIn Pages.
By Olivia Novak
Bassett Engineering is excited to announce the completion of the fifth and final bridge under Bundle 2 of the Lycoming County Bridge Bundling Program!
The brand-new concrete arch spans 32′ and is 33′ long and is located on Bill Sones Road in Moreland Township. A precast arch was chosen for Bill Sones Road due to stream and site requirements.
The stream crossing has been improved by increasing the hydraulic opening and capacity, providing armor against erosion along upstream and downstream embankments, and reducing scour at the outlet by lowering stream velocities through the structure. The structure was sized to carry a full two-lane roadway.
The structure was designed by Bassett Engineering of Montoursville, prepurchased by Lycoming County through the PA COSTARS Program, and the installation was completed by Wolyniec Construction of Williamsport, PA. The bridge was completed in October of 2022.
Check out another bridge from Bundle 2
By Olivia Novak
Bassett Engineering is excited to announce the completion of the fourth bridge under Bundle 2 of the Lycoming County Bridge Bundling Program! Wilson Street bridge in Jersey Shore was successfully finished and opened to traffic on 9/17/2022. The bridge consists of 11 precast concrete box sections and an end section. Thanks to Wolyniec Construction for helping make this a successful project!
Check out another bridge from Bundle 2
If you’re ready to start a new project, or to request more information, call us.